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Acronyms and abbreviations have been part of our language for a long time. One of those acronyms is TB. Let’s see details about “TB Meaning in Text” and its uses. 

TB Meaning in Text – The Introduction 

TB is the most common and popular acronym across all social media platforms. We can’t apply the rules and regulations of the English language on social media. It is a different world and follow its rules. Thus, the language on these platforms is also different. But over the years, we have witnessed a great evolution in social media. If you are a regular user of these apps, once in a while you may have received a comment or message that says TB. This two-letter phrase may knock you off your game if you aren’t familiar person to the Slang. 

TB Meaning in Text

TB Meaning in Text

TB Meaning in Text – The Meaning

TB isn’t referring to Tuberculosis disease. It is also not a collection of randomly put-together letters for the sake of social media engagement. There is a story and meaning behind these letters. The most common meaning of TB on social media is Throw Back. People use TB in the form of a hashtag, #TB while posting an image that’s nostalgic and takes their memories back a few years earlier. 

Why Should I Understand TB Meaning in Text?

Now a major question that arises in this situation is why we need to know the meaning of this Slang. We know the importance of social media is increasing each day. No matter what your profession may be, you are bound to use these social sites. However, it is easier to make it to the top of social media by understanding the jargon of these sites. 

Along with understanding the jargon, we also need to know the meaning of TB to communicate better. A lot of people are using this slang on social media. A lack of information can result in a wrong perception of the phrase TB. 

TB Meaning in Text – The Origin

TB slang has been around on the internet for a long time. The early traces of the use of TB on the internet date back to early 2006. Back in those days, a blogger started to post clips and pictures of the cold cartoons from the 20th century with the title, Throw Back Thursday. In the early days, the title didn’t get attention from internet users.

Another major use of the phrase TB is during July of that year when another blogger posted a blog about sneakers with a similar title including the word Throwback. The process helped the spread of the TB phrase. But we can credit the 2010s decade as the primary force behind the popularity of ‘TB Meaning Text.” The 2010s is the time when social media became famous across the globe and people began using Slang words. 

Due to too much hassle, people these days don’t have the time to write lengthy messages on social media. Also, it is rapidly becoming part of the youth culture as well. Thus, the acronyms and Slang words help all the users to communicate in the shortest possible time. 

TB Meaning in Text – The Uses

Learning the meaning of TB slang isn’t enough to have the best chats on social media. Every slang word has more than a single meaning. We can’t decipher the exact meaning without reading the Slang in the context of the sentence. 

Throw Back

You are scrolling through your phone’s Gallery and you end up finding a picture from years ago. The picture takes you back to the beautiful memories and you want to share them on social media. If you don’t know about the Slang, you may end up writing a few sentences describing the image. But we know these days, your followers don’t have the time to read lengthy sentences. Thus we apply the “TB meaning in Text” and write a caption. 

For Example: “#TB to when I visited London.” 

Throw Back Variation

Back in the early days, TB started as the replacement for Throwback on social media. But over time Slang has gone through an evolutionary process like our language. These days the context throwback is wider as well. Thus, if you use social media regularly, you may observe those different scenarios where people use TB in the throwback meaning.

One of the most popular variations of TB is TBT. In this context, the phrase TBT means, throwback Thursday. People use the hashtag, #TBT to urge people to share their memories and past images on Thursday. The trend usually goes viral and millions participate in the TBT trend. 

TB Meaning in Text

TB Meaning in Text

Text Back

We mentioned earlier that slang can have different meanings. So we need to read a Slang word in a sentence to understand its meanings. In a few cases, we are out of minutes to call a person on the phone but can talk on the text. Let’s assume that in one of those scenarios, you are stuck in a difficult situation and need a friend to reach you.

What will be your action in this situation? You will be texting a friend to help you. In case of no response, you will ask them to reply to your message. A modern form of reaching your friend for help in this situation is TB. In this context, the phrase TB means, text back. 

Truth Be Told

Understanding the most common answers to the ‘TB Meaning in Text’ will be all we need to have a chat on social media. But what happens if a user is using TB in a rare context that you haven’t heard? You will be puzzled and left out of responses. Thus, we need to provide you with all the info today. We are basing this conversation on assumptions.

Let’s assume that you are chatting with your friend. It can be a friend conversation or a serious topic as well. You reach a point when you need validation from a friend that you are telling the truth. Without the presence of slang, you will be using a swear word.  Instead, you can use the phrase TB as well. For example, if you have made a plan for the evening and need changes, you say the following. 

“TB, we need to change our plans.” In this context, TB means Truth be told. You can also use TBT in the same context.  

Tips for Using TB Slang

Now that we understand the meanings of the Slang, we must apply them in conversation with the context. I am sharing some tips that will help you practically apply the TB Meaning in Text. 

Knowing Your Audience 

The primary step of using TB slang on social media is your audience. If your followers, and friends are unaware of “What does TB mean in text”, then your efforts will go to waste. So, you need to see if the followers are aware of the acronyms. Without knowing your audience, you can’t post anything on social media. We know the primary purpose of using social media accounts is to get the best engagement. This engagement can be in the form of Likes, Comments, and Views. You can’t get to this dream interaction unless you post as per your audience. 

Stay Updated

The most essential point when it comes to social media is updates. Trends and Jargons on these apps change within a few moments. If you keep yourself away from the updates, you may get cast away from your friends’ circle. Thus, as you are posting the TB slang, keep checking other accounts as well. Check and see if the meaning of the Slang is changing. Also, the major probability is the invention or a new meaning of the same Slang. 

How to Reply TB Slang?

There are different aspects of Slang use on social media. We are here trying to cover all those aspects to give you detailed information. What happens when you don’t have to use the TB slang on social media but have to reply to a Slang post, comment, or message? In this situation,  the chances of you getting puzzled are very high. Thus, before heading over to your profile, see what the best and ideal responses for TB slang are as per current trends. 

Throw Back Reply 

If you see a post from a friend or follower that says Throwback or Throwback Thursday, it means that they are sharing their precious memories. The moment may be closer to their emotions. Before replying or commenting, check and see what the post says. If the post has some funny moments from the past, replying with an LOL comment will be appropriate. There is a possibility that the throwback moment is emotional and needs serious comment. Check the post and leave a positive comment. Also, thank them for sharing their precious memory with you. 

Text Back

You will only get the TB slang in the text back context if a friend is in search of help. As you get the text back message, it is better to reply to them as soon as possible. If the sender is close to you and doesn’t have formal boundaries, it is ideal to call them on their phone. This way you can show your availability and concern at the same time. 

TB Meaning in Text

TB Meaning in Text

Read More: What Does ONG Mean? Introduction, Uses, and Ideal Responses


Here are the few most commonly asked questions about TB Slang. 

1- What does TB Mean?

TB means Text back, Throwback, and truth be told. 

2- How do people use TB on social media?

The most common meaning of TB on social media is Throwback. 

3- Can I use TB in texting?

Yes, TB is a Slang and you can use it while texting. 

4- Can I use TB in a formal email?

TB is a Slang and an Informal word. We should avoid using it during official chats and emails. 

Final Thoughts

Now we understand that TB meaning is more than a collection of randomly put-together words. It has a meaning and an origin story. Learning the context of the Slang is very important before using it on social media. With our information today, I am sure, we can be the best on our social media game.

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