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Have you ever been the recipient of the text WSP? Without knowing the WSP  Meaning, we all will be clueless about the purpose of the message. Responding to the text is another story.

WSP Meaning – Introduction 

Many aspects of the digital world can amaze and confuse us. Out of those aspects, our communication and language change is on top of the list. It is not vivid and clear upon scratching the surface that our language or communication is different. But if we dig deeper, we’ll see that a lot has changed in the past few decades. 

WSP Meaning

WSP Meaning

One of the major changes that we can see is a change in our phrases during online chats and texting. This change is primarily due to social media sites. Social media has its unofficial language, called Slang. Slang consists of many abbreviations, acronyms, and street phrases. WSP is also an acronym famous across the digital world, social media, and text messages. Thus, we can say that WSP Meaning refers to many phrases, each applicable in a different scenario. 

WSP Meaning 

This slang is more of a casualcausal slang that people use as a conversation starter. Despite carrying meaning to many phrases, the primary meaning of the Slang is What’s up? This phrase is becoming common on social media and you may also encounter this slang in email, business communications (once in a while), and text messages. 

Before we decipher WSM Meaning in different scenarios, let’s see if we can find something about its origin. 

WSM Meaning Origin

We know “What’sWhats up” is a common way of asking each other about how they are doing. This phrase has replaced How are you doing phrase and the younger generation holds the torch of its use.  This phrase “what’s up” became famous across the US in the late 1990s among the younger generation. The 90s was a decade that gave a major boost to many singers, musicians, and hip-hop artists. Those artists started to use different acronyms, and abbreviations to become famous. What’s Up also is a byproduct of a song in the 90s. 

Later, as we entered into the 2000s, online chat roomschatrooms became a new trend for the young generation. It was considered cool back in the day to use abbreviations and acronyms on these platforms. Thus, WSP Meaning took over the phrase ‘what’s up.’ 

How to Understand WSP Meaning?

Now the question that arises in everybody’s mind is how we can understand WSP Meaning. As you attempt to decipher the coded text, check the following points before concluding.

Check Context

One of the major key points while attempting to understand Slang is its context. Since Slang words always have more than a single meaning, thus, new users must check the context of the sentence. The WSP Meaning slang refers to “What’s‘What’s Up?” but sometimes the meanings can change depending on the context. Taking your time and reading the whole thing with concentration helps a lot.

Informal Settings

WSP is slang and is ideal for use in informal settings. The slang doesn’t sound appropriate if you are using it in business meetings, professional emails, or articles. However, there is a small window of opening that gives us a chance to use WSP Meaning Slang in a professional situation. We’ll shed light on this matter a moment later. But, even if you use the Slang in a professional setting, people will assume it to be an informal message. Thus, knowing its value in a sentence is vital. 

Addressed Audience

The addressed audience also helps you understand the intention behind the WSP meaning slang. The users who are using slang each day know that not everyone knows details about Slang and their meanings. There is a higher chance that you will get WSP slang only from close acquaintances and friends. Check and see details about the sender of the message. Your relationship will also help you decipher the WSP slang in a text message. 

WSP Meaning

WSP Meaning

Intent of the Message

The intent behind a message is also important in understanding the WSP Meaning. But the question that arises here is how can we check the intent of a message that only has slang. Check and see if there are anyis any emoji in the message with the WSP slang. If the text says WSP, it means that the sender is interested in your well-being. But a question mark after WSP refers to curiosity. You will get a curious WSP message in response to your status, comment, or post. We only need to pay extra attention upon receiving these types of messages. 

Practical Application of WSP Meaning Slang

Till this moment we have a thorough understanding of WSP slang. Let’s see a few practical examples to clarify any questions that we may have about WSP. 

Conversation Starter

You are getting bored at home and need to hang out with your friends. You will be looking for a conversation starter if you aren’t too close with your friend. Instead of using a phrase that gives awkward vibes, simply use the WSP Meaning message. For example, 

“Hey, WSP?”. The obvious and most common response to this message is “Nothing much.” Now use this platform to initiate the conversation and ask your friend to hang out in the evening. 


Let’s assume you have a close friend who has been single for a long time. But all of a sudden they look different these days. Their Instagram stories also start giving a different vibe. Further, to up the ante, you can feel the presence of another person in their Instagram stories. Maybe there is a shadow of someone else in the picture or a hand is showing. Now this is a perfect chance for you to use your journalistic skills and go for a wild hunt. Instead of asking for details about their potential partner, use a WSP meaning message and add a witty emoji at the end. 

WSP in Professional Context

We mentioned earlier that WSP is a rare slang that’s applicable in a professional setting as well. If you work in an industry that deals with occupational health and safety, WSP will be a common term at your workplace. Here in a professional context, WSP Meaning is “workplace safety and prevention”. This term emphasizes conducting safe work practices and their importance for a professional environment. 

Alternative Meanings of WSP

Besides being applicable in a professional environment, WSP meaning also refers to alternative phrases as well. A few of them are rare on social media. But what happens when someone uses it while chatting with you? Being our regular readers, we feel it is our responsibility to share all possible meanings. 

Weird, Strange Person

This is a less common but applicable meaning of WSP. We can use this phrase to describe a person who is acting strange deliberately or otherwise. It is worth noting that this phrase isn’t an attack or negative comment about a person’s mental health. We use this WSP meaning slang for a person who is trying to be funny but coming out as weird. 

Wireless Session Protocol

Those who have extensive knowledge of information technology know about this term. WSP Meaning also refers to Wireless Session Protocol. This is a helpful and important part of mobile communications. 

Water Supply Pipe

Experts from the construction field understand that WSP also means Water Supply Pipe. 

Final Thoughts

WSP Meaning refers to more than a couple of phrases. The primary meaning is “what’s up.” Now we understand that this phrase is the replacement for asking a person about their well-being. But we need to take our time while reading the sentence with the WSP phrase to see if there is any other meaning intended. 

WSP Meaning

WSP Meaning

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Following are the few most commonly asked questions about WSP.

1- What does WSP Mean?

WSP slang means “What’s up?”

2- Can I use WSP slang in a formal discussion?

It is not recommended to use WSP or any other slang in a formal discussion. 

3-Is there any formal meaning of WSP?

Yes, WSP also means workplace safety and prevention.

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