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Many terms around us are new, and we don’t understand their meanings. One of those is Sigma. Let’s see more details about Sigma Meaning Slang. 

Sigma Meaning Slang

Sigma is a term that’s gained mainstream popularity in a few years. If you were away from modern tech systems and websites, this term may be new. Sigma is a Slang popular in specific social media groups, and individuals. Just like our societies, Social media also has its language. This language consists of phrases, abbreviations, and street words. One of those words is Sigma. 

Sigma Meaning Slang

Sigma Meaning Slang

Sigma is a word that’s used to describe a male human. If you are a successful person, have a strong sense of self, and like to grow individually, then you are a sigma. If we explain the basics of this term, we can say that a person who operates outside the hierarchy of society is a lone wolf or a sigma. 

Sigma Meaning Slang – The Origin

Before we attempt to understand Sigma Meaning Slang, we must trace its origin. There is a functioning social group around us known as the monosphere. This group is the opposite of feminism and is the biggest advocate of men’s rights. Monosphere is more of a loose network that operates different blogs, forums, and websites to promote men’s issues. The primary aim of this network is to create a balance in the society. They believe that society has shifted its focus on female issues under the influence of feminism and is looking to fix this problem. 

This network has its hierarchy system and they symbolize their system with Greek Letters. The most common examples of their system symbolism include alpha male, beta male, and omega male. 

The Sigma Male Meaning was originally confined to the boundaries of the monosphere. But over time due to social media, this term became famous across other communities as well. Monosphere was using social sites to promote their ideology and message. Other users started to take an interest in their ideology and adopted a few terms. Sigma Male became a common term in society but the users didn’t study what is Sigma Slang.

Sigma Meaning Slang – Early Uses

If we study the Greek alphabet, we’ll find that Sigma is the 18th letter. The writing style in the Greek language is different. Thus, if we were to write Sigma in the capital letter, it would be written as Σ. While the Sigma word in the small letter is written as σ. We should note that if you need to write Sigma at the end of a word, it is written as ς.

The language experts translate the symbolism of Sigma as S and small s letters. The interesting fact here is that the English letter S is also inspired by Sigma’s symbol. Different masculine subcultures adopted the word Sigma to use in their hierarchy system, as we explained earlier. 

The first instance where an individual used Sigma as the male-dominant symbolism was in January 2010. Far-right activist and writer Robert Beale, who goes by Vox Day used Sigma in this context. We can credit Beale as the originator of a social media Slang. He started to use Sigma in his blogs and also shared an explanation. We don’t have concrete evidence to support why Beale used Sigma instead of other Greek letters in this context.

Sigma Meaning Slang

Sigma Meaning Slang

If we study Sigma Meaning, we’ll find that a Sigma male has some distinct characteristics and can’t put this label on every male in society. A sigma male is an introverted person who keeps himself away from social norms. Despite his introverted personality, he manages to become a successful person who is liked by females. If an alpha male is an introvert, we can label them as a Sigma male as well. 

Sigma Meaning Slang Popularity

What started in 2010 by a far-right activist became a global phenomenon. People adapted to the Slang faster than wildfire. The popularity got to Hollywood as well. Sigma males are portrayed by many heroes in Hollywood movies. Also, we can see the portrayal of this character in many comic books, literature, and TV shows.

The biggest examples of the Sigma male portrayal in the movies include characters like John Wick and Wolverine. Both these characters are incredibly popular across the globe and they aren’t confined by the society’s rules. These characters are somewhat introverted by nature. However, despite their introverted nature, they capture the public imagination. 

Sigma Meaning vs Alpha Meaning 

Many individuals in our society are confused with this sigma vs alpha situation and can’t identify the difference. Alpha males are those individuals who dominate a social group and they polish their leadership skills. While a Sigma male operates on its own and doesn’t function best in a social group. These sigma males are self-sufficient and independent. Sigma Meaning Slang individuals don’t need the guidance of any leadership to get to their target. You will see these individuals challenging the social convention without any help. Thus, they turn out to be the enigmatic figures. 

Sigma Meaning Slang – The Important Traits

So far we have scratched the surface of Sigma Meaning Slang. But it is far more wide than we think. Since slang is everywhere on social media, we must get maximum details about it. Thus, we can use it for the correct person. 

  • Independence

The primary trait of Sigma Male is their freedom. These individuals have high importance for their autonomy. Thus, they don’t like to be controlled in life when it comes to important decision-making processes. Whether it is a business matter or anything with personal life, Sigma Male likes to operate without a guideline 

Also, a Sigma Person can’t work under a direction. They may compromise in the beginning but you will see a noticeable difference in their working style and performance.

If you put them in a group to work on a project, these individuals won’t feel comfortable. They like to make their decisions. Thus often neglect a group’s importance and contributions. Thus, instead of putting them with people, trust their skills and give them some individual tasks. 

  • Introspection

Unlike most individuals, Sigma understands the importance of self-reflection. Their introspection skills set them apart from their colleagues. They keep a check on themselves and always go through a self-reflection process. This introspection ability allows them to keep their target on the task at hand. Whenever they feel being misdirected or drift away from the ultimate goal, they evaluate their weaknesses and mistakes. The introspection helps them correct their course of action in the long-term journey. 

  • Nonconformity

This trait may be a negative one if we study the bigger picture, but it is what sets them apart in the crowd. These individuals possess nonconformity. What it means is they don’t appear to be interested in a crowd or group of people. If society’s rules and regulations align with their interest, they will only follow them in this condition. Otherwise, they show no interest in the social norms. 

  • Social Validation

When we study the Alpha vs Sigma topic, this point makes major differences in both personalities. Alpha males have leadership qualities, thus social validation is important for them. People’s opinion makes a difference for them and they change their decisions based on social validation.

Sigma Meaning Slang

Alpha Male

But the Sigma males take no influence of social validation. They don’t need society’s approval to be the judge of their decisions. These people have their metrics. Thus, they decide the success of their decisions based on persona metrics. Personal growth and internal achievements matter the most for Sigma Meaning Slang person. 

  • Adaptability

Let me present a confusing trait of a Sigma male’s personality. These individuals can change their course of action as per their surroundings. Since they aren’t impressed by the social hierarchy system, they can easily adjust to society. This unique character helps them navigate through difficult situations without a problem. They have a great ability to blend in with the crowd without drawing attention. They take advantage of this character and get to their goals before others.

The Appeal of Sigma Mindset

So far we understand the various characters and traits of Sigma mindset. But we can’t point our finger at the reason behind an attraction in Sigma mindset. The characters aren’t unique enough as we observe them regularly. But there is something in the Sigma mindset that resonates with many individuals. Let’s see the reasons behind an appeal for Sigma Meaning Slang. 


We hardly see an individual in our society who doesn’t want to improve their self. But most of us don’t take practical steps for self-improvement. This factor is different in Sigma males. These individuals have a higher desire for improvement than other individuals. Thus, they always work on self-improvement.

Their ultimate goal is to achieve personal mastery. Thus, these individuals keep taking many steps to achieve their goals. Common examples of those steps include learning, evolving, and personal growth. It becomes their habit to learn each day. Thus, they end up becoming quick learners and innovators. 


The biggest factor in modern society that changes our lifestyle, decisions, and other factors is social media. Social media pressure is influential in the modern era. It also dictates our behavior as well. As a result of this pressure from social media, we end up making wrong decisions for ourselves and family. 

However, on the other hand, sigma males are independent and free of these influences. They don’t care what others are doing at the moment. Thus, fancy social media posts don’t influence their decisions. Self-direction is the primary aim of a Sigma Meaning Slang person. If you are an individual who is not influenced by your peers and social media posts, Sigma’s mindset will be glorious for you.

All you need to do is avoid a thought about needing approval from your colleagues, friends, and family members. A lot of people confuse the autonomy of a Sigma male with the self-centered trait. There is a difference between both traits. But a Sigma male, despite caring for their friends, doesn’t let them decide anything for them. 

Avoiding Drama

On the one hand, where we take a lot of advantages by going out and being an active part of society, we face drama as well. We all have, friends, colleagues, family members, and helpers in our life. No matter how much peace and decorum we maintain in our surroundings, there is a drama once after a few days. But Sigma males are lucky as they detach themselves from social drama.

They have strong boundaries around them which helps them avoid unnecessary social drama. These individuals detach themselves from conflicts and unnecessary power struggles. This is a refreshing change for those who always are bound by social norms. These Sigma males get to focus on their goals due to their low profile in society.

Adapting Sigma Mindset 

After reading these details about Sigma Meaning Slang, if you feel like adapting to this mindset, then you are not alone. Following is the basic guideline about how we can be Sigma as well.

Learn to prioritize your personal goals before checking social rules. Your focus should be self-improvement. Set some personal goals for yourself and keep checking them for a while. It will take you a few weeks to set personal goals. First, you need to identify the most important thing for you. Based on this information you can make goals for improvement. Only then you can channel your energy toward those goals. You should avoid focusing on all social expectations once your energy is in the correct direction. 

As you attempt to become a Sigma male, celebrate your independence. You’ll now need to make your decisions without asking the society. It will be difficult in the beginning but trust your judgment during the process.. Seeking advice is an option in the beginning but a Sigma works on its intuition.

Sigma Meaning Slang

Sigma Meaning Slang

Read More: SMD Text Meaning: Learn What This Internet Slang Represents 

Final Words

Sigma Meaning Slang is more than a fancy word. It is the way of life. People spend their whole lives and can’t become Sigma. Being sigma means celebrating your independence contrary to social norms and beliefs. 


Following are the few most commonly asked questions about Sigma Meaning Slang.

1-What is a Sigma Male?

Sigma male is a person who works outside the social hierarchy and focuses on personal goals. 

2- Are sigma males different than alpha males?

Yes, sigma males don’t have the desire to dominate and lead other individuals, unlike alpha males. 

3- When was the term Sigma Male coined?

Sigma Male term was first used in 2010.

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