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Has anyone of your friends taken a Rice purity test? The results are in, and now you want to know the rice purity test meaning. We are here to help you with everything that you need to know. 

Rice Purity Test Meaning – Background

After checking the details of today’s written content, we can say for sure that the internet is a weird place. You may wonder when this website changed its focus to writing about agriculture.

The heading says Rice purity test, so it takes our attention automatically towards growing rice in a field. But the weird moment isn’t ending at this point. You will be shocked to hear that this written content has nothing to do with rice, agriculture, or farms. 

Rice Purity Test Meaning

What is the Rice Purity Test Meaning? 

We know our world is evolving rapidly. Everything around us is becoming digital due to the influence of the internet. In the race of all the developments, we have lost focus on what’s inside: our souls. Everyone asks the major question: Is our soul and inside pure or evil? 

We all think our technology cannot provide a system for checking whether we tend towards purity or evilness. But the internet world is changing everything around us. You may have gone through various surveys and questionnaires on social media and other websites. Some of those surveys are to collect your feedback about a product. However, a few give results about your personality and its multiple traits.

One of those questionnaires, surveys, or systems is now helping us understand our inside, the soul, and its purity. Along with understanding the rice purity test score meaning, we can also check this on ourselves. This test is an assessment quiz that evaluates our experiences. Initially, the intention behind creating this tool was only to get some internet clicks and likes. But over time rice purity test meaning is common among most youngsters. Thus, the test itself is getting immense fame. The tool helps understand how pure choices you will make in different life scenarios, and then it shares the results.

Rice Purity Test Meaning – The Origin

Before we attempt to understand and share this assessment system with you, it is vital to know how this test came to the internet. Upon searching the origin story of the purity test, we’ll end up at Rice University in Houston, TX. Now, this name helps us know why there is an indication towards Rice. The intention behind creating this test wasn’t to publish on the internet to make money.

This test was only a bonding activity among new students at the university. The intention was that after completing the test, students would feel a connection with each other. Also, the teachers at the University believed that the students must share their personal experiences.  Thus, the rice purity test was the primary source of encouragement for the students. 

How Does Rice Purity Test Work?

Since we understand that there is a system that can help us understand our inside, we are eager to learn how this system works. The testing system is simple enough for us to understand. 

This test is simple and requires no special internet skills. You can find it in a single Google search. The website interface is also straightforward. You will see 100 questions in the rice purity test as you open the website. Each question will give you two options: yes and no.

This test has questions from various fields, and the primary purpose is to see if you have engaged in the mentioned activity. Upon selecting the no option, you will select one point for not engaging in that activity during your life. If you get high points, you have a higher level of purity.

Under normal conditions, we get better by experiencing various situations in life. But as we look to understand the rice purity test meaning, the system works in reverse.  Assuming you get the highest score means you haven’t gone through various experiences in life. If you get a zero, it means that you have experienced everything in life. 

Rice Purity Test Score Meaning

After you take the test, the website will give you the results based on your choices. But if you are new to the scoring system, you may have questions about understanding the rice purity test average score.

Rice Purity Test Meaning

Rice Purity Test Score Meaning

0 to 9 Score 

This is the lowest score you can get after answering the 100 questions. This score means that you have been a rebel in life. Each scoring range of this test shares a different perspective and views about your personality. 

The lowest score on the test also means that you are the naughtiest of your friends and have no caring attitude. What other people think about you is far beyond your thinking and care-list. Sometimes, you break a few rules during your life, and your primary purpose on earth is to have fun. 

10-29 Score

You are one of the farthest souls from innocence. This scoring result means you have no regrets about your life choices. Throughout your life, many things fall under the rebellious category.  But, despite everything, you don’t have regrets about those acts. This score means that if you ever get a chance to repeat your life choices, you will do the same act again. 

30-49 Score

Getting this result won’t put you in the category of an angel. You will also make a scandalous choice in life if you are in different situations. But your choices become scandalous only to have some fun in life. 

50-69 Score

If you ever have a question about the average rice purity test, this category is your answer. Upon getting this score, don’t be excited that you are an angel. Becoming an angel isn’t easy. But this scoring result means that you have been careful in life. But on one or two occasions, you are ready to take risks and put your reputation at stake. 

70-89 Score

You are almost there on the highest level of being an angel. But this score means that you may have been naughty several times. You are the most innocent person in your circle. If you get a chance to decide again about your few scandalous actions, your choice will be different. 

90-100 Score

You are the angel that everyone wants to be! You have a golden heart, and throughout your life, you have made the correct choices. The highest score on the purity test also means that you had the chance to make other decisions during your life. Also, people have tempted you to join them in other activities and experiences. But your decisions were firm and solid. 

Purity Test Score Average

It is worth noting that the average rice purity score is different for each country. Many users worldwide take this test live on social media, and the website records the test results for future statistics. 

  • Users under the age of 25 score between 74 and 90, and those who are above the age of 25 score between 60 and 74.
  • Till 2023, the average score in the US was 64.
  • The average score in the UK till 2023 was 66.
  • The average score for the girls was 64 and 61 for the boys. 

Common Topics of Purity Test

Before attempting the Rice purity test, a potential participant may want to know the topics covered in the assessment. Although the assessment results are for fun and social media engagement, most users will be looking for the best score. This urge to get the best results is part of human nature. The questions in the test may change depending on the world of the internet and the feedback. However, the topics are expected to remain the same. 

Rice Purity Test Meaning

Rice Purity Test Meaning

Romantic Experiences

 The primary focus of these questions is to ask the users about their romantic experiences. The questions don’t interfere with your personal life, but they only ask about your romantic experiences, like if you have made out in public, etc. 

Social Experiences

When you attempt this question, you will also see the social questions. The questions will involve your relationship status and preferences in different life situations. 

Legal Behaviors

A few questions in the assessment involve your history of legal behaviours. No question in the assessment required clarification or details since the options are YES and NO. In this part of the test, you must answer if you have been involved in any experience with law enforcement agencies. 

Risky Behaviors 

Some of the test questions ask about risky experiences in life. These questions include if you had any experience with drugs and alcohol. 

Academic Milestones

Some questions of the test include your academic success and milestones. 

Authenticity of Rice Purity Test Meaning

Now that we understand the different perspectives involving the rest, we have an important point to cover. We know it is not rocket science anymore, and you don’t need to hire a web designer. Thus, in this massive chunk of data, we can’t be sure if this website’s data and results are accurate enough to depend on them. We will explore a few factors to better understand the authenticity of these results. 

Self-Reported Data

The purity test tool wasn’t built under the supervision of psychologists and other related experts. It is purely based on an assignment among college students. The test results are based on self-reported answers, which can also be inaccurate. We can’t be sure if all the participants responded truthfully to the questions.

A participant in the test may downplay their life experience to get the best results. Also, some participants may want to look cool in front of their social media friends and can check all the options. If a user takes the assessment in front of their friends, they would want to appear as experienced. This situation is mostly observed among male participants.

No Scientific Standards

We know that the test has no scientific backing. Whenever a psychologist tracks a person’s traits, various metrics are observed. This test did not involve a psychologist in any part of the process. This lack of scientific standards raises many questions about the authenticity of the purity test. 

Social media users also take the results of this test as a light-hearted score. The users understand that there is no formal research or press release about the authenticity of the developers’ scores. A new website developer can also duplicate the interface and questions of the assessment. 

Privacy Concerns

Cyber security is the primary concern when using the Internet and websites. Even if the website doesn’t ask for personal details, the questions relate to a person’s life. Thus, users will feel insecure while answering the questions without guaranteeing data security. This sense of insecurity will lead to inaccurate responses. 

Rice Purity Test Meaning

Rice Purity Test

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Following are the few most commonly asked questions about the Rice Purity Test. 

1- Is the Rice Purity Test Anonymous?

Yes, the test is anonymous, but be cautious before sharing the results. 

2- What is a high score on this test?

A score above 90 is considered high during the assessment. 

3- Can a Rice purity test affect someone’s reputation?

Yes, people can judge you based on your results. Thus, it is better to privately send the results to your friends. 

Final Thoughts

The rice purity test has a confusing name because the University launched the online tool. The authenticity of the test results is in question, but this tool is a fun way to spend time and share results with your friends on social media. 

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