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Have you recently received a text that says KMS?  If yes, you may wonder about KMS Meaning and why this phrase is becoming famous. 

KMS Meaning  – The Background

So far on this website, we have shared details about many Slang terms that apply to our daily activities.  But all those terms had a light-hearted feel.  But today, the KMS Meaning Slang has some profound implications and a light feeling.  Thus, we are carefully compiling the details for the day. 

What Is KMS In Text

What Is KMS In Text

KMS is a slang term famous on social media and in text messages.  The younger generation primarily uses this Slang while chatting via text and social media. 

KMS Meaning – The Intention of Slang

We know every Slang has a backstory and an origin.  This origin helps us understand the primary intention behind the birth of the Slang.  We’ll touch on the origin of KMS as well.  However, it is more important to address its intended meaning, so we have a sketch.  This virtual sketch in our mind will help us understand “what does KMS mean on Snapchat?” KMS Meaning Slang refers to the phrase Kill Myself.  We must mention here that the word isn’t a direct reference to a person having suicidal thoughts. 

The primary intention behind KMS is to create humour in a conversation.  But since there are slight chances that a person is suppressing their suicidal thoughts with jokes and humour, we can’t take the risk of ignoring KMS text.  Thus, it is vital to know “what is KMS in text.” This way, we can decipher the suicidal thoughts hidden behind a funny message.  We need to know that Slang term is famous across the internet world.  KMS Urban Dictionary also features the Slang term.  Thus, it shows the importance of KMS. 

KMS Origin

So far, we have an idea of KMS Meanings.  However, we know that understanding the origin of Slang makes the perspective about Slang’s intentions more vivid and clear.  Most slang origin stories take us back to the late 90s during the boom period of the internet culture.  However, the story is different for the KMS meaning phrase.  The origin of KMS dates back to 2009.  Before 2009, kill Myself existed on the internet as a whole phrase. 

However, as Twitter became famous in 2009, it came with a word limit of 140 characters.  Thus, users were trying to use different abbreviations to convey their views.  KMS went to the internet’s surface in that era.  People also began to use KMS in text messages, which gave birth to the question, what does KMS Mean in a text message?

KMS Uses

Despite knowing the history and introduction of slang, we can’t use it on social media without understanding its context.  KMS Meaning Slang also applies in different situations, each providing a different meaning. 

Creating Humour

Every slang term has a purpose.  The intention behind KMS wasn’t to share or decipher a person’s suicidal thoughts.  This Slang term is used to create humour in a conversation.  We know that most teenagers use KMS when texting.  Thus, they come up with out-of-the-way methods to sound funny and cool.  KMS is a similar attempt to create humour.  Upon understanding “what does KMS mean on Snapchat,” we will realise that people use this Slang term in private messages and group chats. 

There are a few unwritten tips for using KMS.  Firstly, we observe on social media that people never use this slang in a comment box.  KMS is Slang only for your friends when you chat with them in the DMs. Sometimes, a user unintentionally uses KMS to describe their feelings.  Suppose your friend has a minor situation at work.  Maybe the cafeteria was out of Sugar for the coffee.  They may end up texting you with, “My day is ruined.  They didn’t have Sugar.  KMS.” 

What Does KMS Mean On Snapchat

What Does KMS Mean On Snapchat

Expressing Emotions

Another scenario where KMS applies is when a person is expressing their emotions.  KMS has no application while you are sharing your happy emotions.  Social media users also mention KMS when feeling sad, angry, or tired. 

Assume a person has been following a hectic routine for a long time.  That friend feels tired and wants to share his physical and emotional situation.  If you get a text saying, “It has been a hectic routine.  KMS,” they want to rest. 

After a thorough study of social media, we can point out that, in most cases, users use KMS, Meaning slang, when annoyed by anyone or anything in their lives. 

There are a few scenarios when a person is neither emotional nor trying to be funny but still uses KMS.  That situation only applies among close friends when one of the friends uses KMS to get some attention by being dramatic. 

KMS Variation

We know every Slang word has more than a single meaning.  Each meaning applies to a different scenario.  KMS differs from other Slang terms as it doesn’t have a contrasting meaning.  There is only a single slightly different variation of KMS that means “Killing Myself” instead of “Kill Myself.” 

The application of the Killing Myself variation of KMS is as follows. 

  • KMS applies to various daily life scenarios.  Teenagers use this phrase only with their friends.  The primary use of the KMS variation is when a person feels annoyed.  But the difference in the Slang variation lies when the situation is going on with the user using the Slang.  For example, an informative seminar may be boring, but you can’t get out of the workshop.  If you had to describe the feeling to a friend, you might fill out all the digital pages typing the emotions on social media and text messages.  The use of Slang here will simplify your emotional situation ideally.  Send a text: “This workshop turned out to be boring.  KMS.” In this context, KMS Meaning Text shows that you are currently at the workshop instead of it being concluded. 
  • Another situation where a person may use KMS in the same context is during an anxious moment.  Now, let’s assume that your friend is waiting for some important news from you.  Maybe their exam result is coming out, and you have the first access to the result.  In this situation, being a good friend, you tease them with the news of the results and make them wait.  This scenario is ideal for them to use KMS in the same context. 

Suicidal Thoughts

KMS also has a severe angle, where the phrase “Kill Myself” has literal meaning instead of a humorous implication.  New users can’t identify the difference since there is a narrow line between the literal meanings and emotional expression.  We must understand how to identify the message with the suicidal thoughts since a person’s life may be at stake. 

To check if the message sender is having suicidal thoughts, see if the message has some emotional angles.  In case the message is emotional, we also need to do a background check.  If the emotional situation is ongoing with your friend for more than a few days, they may be on the edge of having a breakdown.  Linguistic experts mention that some people try to hide their suicidal thoughts under jokes or confusing terms. 

A recommendation in this situation is never to ignore the KMS Meaning message.  Call the friend and try to see if you feel any suicidal thoughts in their voice tone. 

Understand the Intention of KMS Meaning Message

We shed light on the implications of KMS and its’ reference to suicidal thoughts.  But what if the message has no hidden meanings but humour?  There are a  few points through which we can see if the message is intended funnily. 

You won’t get a KMS message from a stranger.  Only friends funnily use this phrase.  When you get a text, you will see your friend’s personality in your mind.  Their views, mindsets, and behaviours get printed in our minds.  We all have a friend who overreacts to every single news and information.  KMS Meaning Text from that friend implies that they overreact to news or events.  Maybe they had a bad day at work and want to share the news with you. 

Sometimes, the intention behind a KMS phrase isn’t due to an overreaction.  A person can use KMS when they want to share their emotions of dislike.  This situation can occur with any person when they don’t like news or an event.  It is also possible that their team lost the football game last night, and it affected their emotional state. 

What Does KMS Mean In Text Talk

What Does KMS Mean In Text Talk

Read More: What Does HYD Meaning in Text? Decoding the Latest Slang


Following are some commonly asked questions about KMS. 

1- What does KMS Mean?

KMS is a Slang that means Kill MySef. 

2- Are there any other variations of KMS?

Killing myself is a common variation of KMS slang. 

3- Can the KMS Meaning message be literal towards suicide?

Yes, check and see if the KMS message has an emotional aspect, as it may suggest a suicidal thought. 

Final Thoughts

KMS is unique slang with similar meanings but applies in contrasting situations.  One of its meanings can be humorous, but the other can indicate suicidal thoughts.  Thus, we must understand the KMS Meaning of Slang from a bigger perspective before using it on social media. 

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