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Have you ever, while scrolling Facebook, come across the phrase IYKYK and wondered “What does IYKYK mean?” Let’s answer all your queries here today. 

What Does IYKYK Mean? The Intro

Social media is a world in itself and things that exist on these apps aren’t available in the market. These apps are evolving to such an extent that the language on these apps is also different than our English language. If you are a regular user, you may have read once in a while a phrase IYKYK. The phrase is strange to say out loud but interesting enough as well.

What Does IYKYK Mean

What Does IYKYK Mean

When you come across IYKYK, your eyebrows raise and you question everything around you. The first thing that comes to your mind is, “Did I miss something in the news?” Believe me, if you don’t know the IYKYK meaning, you have missed a lot in recent times. But it is not something to worry about as I got you in this situation. 

What does IYKYK Mean?

Now let’s get something cleared before we proceed. You are about to learn a secret code to learn the best way of chatting on social media. There is no unlearn button after this point. Still with me? Let’s move ahead. IYKYK means, “If you know, you know.” Are you still feeling confused? Don’t worry, you are not the only one to have many questions at this point.

You know when you are talking with your close friend in front of a colleague and need to share inside information. At this point, you talk in some secret codes or words and convey the message. This moment is the exact definition of If you know, you know. You convey your message without saying anything. 

How to Use IYKYK on Social Media?

Learning the meaning of the Slang word is important but it doesn’t complete our task at this moment. What happens when we have to apply the phrase in a text message? We’ll need to know ‘IYKYK meaning on text’ to be the best at this conversation.

Posting an Inside Talk

Suppose you were at an event or a party last night with your friends and something funny or witty happened. Now you don’t want everyone on social media to know about the event since it was a secret. What will you do in this situation? You have a choice to not post anything on your profile.

But that’ too much 90s. How can I not post about a party on social media? You can put a status about subtly referring to the inside thing that occurred last night. Tag the friends who were at the party. Write a few hints and see if any of the outsider gets the inside details. Say something like, “What a great time to be alive, IYKYK”.

An important thing that we should keep in mind while posting the IYKYK phrase is the mystery factor. While using this phrase, you don’t need to waste your energy typing out all the details. The primary purpose is to create a sense of mystery for all the users on social media. Thus, the users will start asking about your whereabouts last night and things will start to get on the trending list. 

Connecting With Specific Audiences

Social media is filled with people from different fields. If we want to connect with an audience with similar interests, the task can get a lot difficult without some information. But, if we have the answer to “What Does IYKYK Mean”, we can reach our desired audience without too much trouble. All the posts that have the IYKYK hashtag need not be mysterious. Maybe you want to talk about the last night’s episode of your favorite serial. Head over to your profile and post something like this, ‘Amazing episode last night, #IYKYK”. Also, add a hashtag about the serial. This way you can gather all the fans of the serial. 

Posting About an Experience

Sometimes we go through an experience that lasts in our memories for a long time. Maybe you went to your college reunion party and met your friends after decades. A lot of your followers will not understand the meaning behind the post but those who attended the party will enjoy it. Use something like, Met them after a long time, IYKYK. 

The best thing about this phrase is that it can be subtle and open at the same time. If you want your followers to have some info about your post, you can include more than a few hints. This way those who were part of your experience will enjoy the status and the followers who had no idea will get some satisfaction of getting the details.

What Does IYKYK Mean

What Does IYKYK Mean

Why Should I know about IYKYK?

The phrase is a little secret on the internet that keeps growing every day. People like to keep a little mystery on social media. If you aren’t aware of the acronyms, you will have FOMO that will keep growing every day. Also, we know the importance of getting to the top of the social media world. It is not a secret that your social media activity affects your profession. Without mastering the official language of these apps, getting to the top is difficult. 

Read More: What Does SMH Mean? Introduction, Meaning, and Uses


Following are the few commonly asked questions about IYKYK. 

1- What Does IYKYK Mean?

IYKYK means, “If you know, you know”

2- Why do people use IYKYK?

People use IYKYK when they want to talk about a secret on a public forum. 

3- Can you share IYKYK Meaning on Instagram?

IYKYK Meaning on Instagram is the same as on the other platforms. It is to talk about secrets. 

Final Thoughts

Now we are also part of the inside jokes and secrets. Learning the meaning of IYKYK was fun and time spent well. We do understand that they are more than just a random collection of letters. There is a story and purpose behind these acronyms.

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